7 Tips to Market Your New Law Firm 

Congratulations on taking the leap of faith to go out on your own. As a new business owner, I can tell you that it is one of the most rewarding moves you can make for many reasons.  

Whether you have already made a move or are planning to move soon, here are some excellent places to start your marketing efforts.  


Get your name, logo, and colors in place. Before you select the firm name, do some Google searches to see what comes up to ensure you are not competing with someone with the same firm name.  Your logo and branding colors will be the basis of your website, business cards, and all other printed marketing materials. It would be best if you got this step completed before marketing yourself.

Define your niche

You do not want to start your firm and say you do family law, criminal law, corporate law, and estate planning. One attorney cannot indeed be an expert in all those things. Pick one or two areas you can focus on and become an expert. The more specific you can get, the more people will remember you too.


Your website will be the hub for everything you do online and otherwise. Your website can be simple to start but ensure the information you display there is original and focused on your specific niche or area of law you practice. Make your website personal, explain your practice areas, demonstrate your background, and give details about who you are. People want to work with people with whom they can relate.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

SEO is an integral part of your digital marketing efforts. No one will find your website without SEO. SEO helps to provide a road map for people in search of the service you provide. On each page of your website, use a plugin like Yoast to enter the focus keyphrase, SEO title, meta description, and tags and categories on your blog.

Google My Business listing

Create a Google My Business listing right away. Google My Business listings are great for businesses needing your services locally.

Google Analytics & Search Console

These tools help evaluate how people find your website and what people are searching for to find you; these tools are instrumental. You can use the data to figure out where to spend more of your time and ideas for content generation in the future.


As an attorney, the best social media platform to focus on is LinkedIn. Create a page for your law firm and use your profile to share thought leadership content with your network. Use hashtags to help people outside your network find your information.  

Of course, there is much more you can implement over time, but these seven tips will help you establish your marketing foundation so that potential clients can find your new law firm online.  

Stay tuned for the next blog post, which will be some basics for developing a strategic plan for your new law firm…